Monday, April 13, 2009

good news

while the administration continues to set up the country for a financial implosion, i do want to give some credit for for some of their other moves.

specifically, the relaxation of the trade restrictions with cuba is a great idea.  i'm not exactly sure what the thinking was when the embargo was put in place, but clearly it has not worked on any level.  people in cuba suffer because of a mostly insane government, but they suffer more so because of our misguided embargo that keeps their economy in shambles and keeps things as basic as simple medicine out of reach.  hopefully this is a pre cursor to something more sweeping with cuba.
additionally, while i understand that his hand was forced and the military deserves most of the credit, it still happened on his watch.  and the rescue of the ship's captain, at least at this point, seems like it was a perfectly executed operation.  hopefully, as i mentioned earlier, this will cause the US to take a larger role in policing that region of the world.
finally, i want to give props to obama for hosting a seder.  not only does this show a general open-mindedness and kinship with another faith, but i believe the lessons of the story of passover are important ones for the current administration.  now, which kind of son do you think obama was?

1 comment:

  1. Finally, a reluctantly positive post about the president. Mazel tov. And Obama was definitely the wise son.
